3 Big things: Breathe Easy Illinois: expert clean air solutions

Today’s clean air technologies are more than a luxury — they’re a necessity, and our contractors and union workforce are among the most qualified to educate our communities and install these solutions to stay healthier and more productive. Earlier this year, SMACNA Greater Chicago became an industry leader in promoting indoor air quality with the launch of our Breathe Easy Illinois campaign.

Not only is this program an investment in creating healthy buildings for our customers and clients, but it’s also an investment in SMACNA Greater Chicago contractor members. Here are some of the top benefits.

Free Advertising

Recently, we’ve promoted participating members’ IAQ projects on the Breathe Easy Illinois Facebook page. This is a great platform to give member contractors free advertising by highlighting their clean air projects, which link directly back to the company’s social media page and/or website, as well as their client’s page. Not only do these branded posts showcase high-profile projects, but they also serve to reinforce that SMACNA Greater Chicago members and signatory contractors are the clean air experts.

Guided by you

This program was designed to be whatever YOU need it to be. Are the materials helpful in your sales efforts, or is something missing? Let us know. Do you have a clean air project you’d love others to know about? Let us know. Breathe Easy Illinois is largely guided by the feedback we receive from participating contractors, and we’re only as good as the information we receive. So, speak up during one of our town hall Zoom meetings, or reach out to Tony or the Nehlsen team directly, and we’ll work together on a solution that will benefit all the members.

Program expansion

The Breathe Easy umbrella is growing, and the campaign officially launched with our counterparts in Wisconsin. We’ve also introduced Breathe Easy to leaders in California and Missouri. Everyone should be concerned with how indoor air quality affects their health, which is why this campaign has such solid legs to stand on. Even when COVID becomes a thing of the past, investing in quality air in homes, schools, businesses and more is an initiative we can all support and take pride in promoting.