3 Big Things: Challenges Facing the Construction Industry

Nearly every industry experienced some sort of disruption last year. But with the economy on the mend, it’s an exciting time to be in the industry, and we must always adapt to changing times to overcome issues and continue to grow.

Check out some of the top challenges facing the industry this year — and how to turn them into opportunities.


For much of 2020, many construction projects were delayed or cancelled. But a number of sectors are projected to see an uptick in activity through 2021, which means contractors need all hands on deck.

However, labor shortages continue to be a challenge. According to the AGC’s 2021 Construction Hiring and Business Outlook survey, 54% of firms reported difficulty finding qualified workers to hire. Rather than only seeking those with industry experience or a construction-related degree, rethink your recruitment strategy. Engage in-house younger talent who have the drive and motivation you’re looking for and promote development programs and growth potential within the company. Invest in the future of those already on your team, and your company will reap the rewards.

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality has always been important, but COVID has brought the topic to the forefront. Why? Because outdated or neglected HVAC systems can cause viruses, mold and other pollutants to spread and grow, which contributes to illness. According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, an estimated 41% of school districts nationwide need to replace HVAC systems in at least half their schools — not to mention the number of commercial, industrial and residential systems that need TLC.

Fortunately, our association is poised to turn these challenges into opportunities. Through our Breathe Easy Illinois program, we’re educating clients on the practical clean air solutions available so we can help create safer, healthier experiences for all.

Adoption of Technology

The construction industry has always lagged behind when it comes to the adoption of new technologies. Perhaps one of the best things that’s come out of the pandemic was that it forced most of us to implement digital workflows and take much of our business online. Technology helped us survive.

But innovation never stops, and new technologies continue to be designed to help us deliver projects faster and work more efficiently and safely. Some of the trends that continue to be improved upon (and will continue to shape the future of our industry) include virtual/augmented reality, BIM, drones and artificial intelligence.