Keeping up on the latest trends and forecasts for the construction and HVAC industry will give you an edge in the market. Here are three big things we see impacting SMACNA Greater Chicago members in 2022.


We proved we could adjust business as usual via video chat platforms, and the technology isn’t going away in a post-pandemic world. In fact, a 2021 Gartner survey reports 49% of HR leaders will let employees work remotely on certain days and 32% will allow remote work every day. Virtual meetings and trainings have kept companies across all industries on track to meet strategic goals and have given us the capability to remain flexible in the face of any future uncertainties.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to a remote or hybrid working environment, so do what works best for your company and team. It helps to make sure you have policies in place that clearly outline communication expectations and help develop a supportive culture for employees and managers.


By tracking real-time data and analytics, company leaders can see where to save money — and make more. When you’re able to track relevant data like material and equipment usage, change orders, worker productivity and more, you can better forecast future work and make your bids more competitive. Predictive analytics are another useful tool, particularly in the maintenance arena, to identify and prioritize maintenance tasks for customers.

Data from a marketing perspective gives you a pulse on consumer spending habits, and can help tailor your strategy on product and service improvement. Plus, you can leverage that technology as added value for your customers, like how-to videos for products or making video chats available for equipment troubleshooting.


Now that we’re back to inperson events, it pays to make the effort to connect with other business owners (especially if you’re a smaller business). That’s part of why your membership in SMACNA Greater Chicago is so important. Our meetings, conferences, training workshops and events are great opportunities to connect with and learn from the experiences of your peers and form professional relationships that can be mutually beneficial.

No doubt your workday is consumed with meetings and tasks to keep the company moving forward, but don’t forget to check in with past customers, service providers and vendors. A quick touchbase can help rekindle past relationships and keep you in the loop on any industry trends and challenges — and any potential opportunities to showcase your expertise.