How Data Can Help Fleet Marketing

Operating a data-driven fleet is good for any business. Today’s data platforms allow safety managers and CEOs to monitor expensive equipment, measure a vehicle’s utilization and track a driver’s compliance and safety behaviors. But did you know you can use this same technology as a resource to enhance your brand?

It doesn’t matter how much money you’re pouring into your marketing budget if your brand is being represented in the wrong way. With different data sets so readily available, it makes good business sense to look into your options so you can better manage — and market — your company’s fleet.


Safety is priority number one in the construction industry. No matter who you have representing your company — from the highest executives and IT managers to jobsite personnel — following safety protocol is critical not only for completing a project successfully, but also for maintaining a positive community image. So, when your company is being represented by reckless drivers, it can negatively impact business.

Slapping a “how’s my driving” bumper sticker to every vehicle in your fleet just doesn’t cut it anymore. To really find out how your drivers are performing on the road, you need to turn to telematics. This powerful technology gives you reliable metrics on each driver, like their speed, if they’re braking too harshly, accelerating too quickly and other performance data.


Many companies allow their drivers to take work vehicles home. It makes sense: They’re readily accessible in the event of a client emergency, and a direct home-to-jobsite route is much more efficient than making multiple drop-off/pick-up stops. But it’s during those nonwork hours where things can get a little dicey.

When your brand’s vehicles are seen parked at the local bar or towing a boat on the weekend, it can tarnish your reputation within the community — and it happens more than business owners would like to think. With telematics, you’re able to track when and where company vehicles are going, keeping unauthorized usage down and professionalism up.


Customer expectations are increasing, and it’s time for construction industry professionals to step up. According to a Walker study, the customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator by the end of this year. What does this mean for your business?

When a company’s fleet is equipped with GPS, you practically eliminate the guesswork of a driver’s arrival time to a scheduled appointment. Plus, if they’re stuck in traffic or delayed in any way, you can notify the client so they’re not left hanging — a professional courtesy that is usually appreciated. In today’s age of technology, customer reviews (both good and bad) can go a long way in generating attention for your company. Make sure the attention you’re receiving is positive by using telematics to your advantage.