Part 1: Leadership Without Limits

Leadership workshop

Annual Leadership Workshop Program

We’re excited to announce the return of our Annual Leadership Workshop Program this Fall! This series was designed to empower sheet metal contractors with the skills to thrive in the construction industry.

The workshops are designed to build on one another, so take them all for the greatest impact on your leadership style. Or, if time constraints don’t allow for all four, take at least one to get a leg up on leadership.

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Darryl Harris is a consultant, trainer and coach, focused on helping organizations improve their performance by developing the skills and competencies of their people. Harris has an abundance of energy and passion for helping organizations develop and grow in a rapidly changing environment. His clear common sense approach has helped thousands of people learn how to successfully overcome these challenges. He brings an international background of almost 30 years of experience in the areas of leadership development, strategic planning, team effectiveness, customer skills and more.

Leadership Without Limits: A 4-Part Boot Camp

This comprehensive program is tailored for:
• Seasoned leaders seeking to enhance their skills
• Emerging leaders poised for key management positions

The curriculum covers essential leadership topics, including:
• Time Management
• Core Communications
• Essentials of Leadership
• Coaching & Counseling

Invest in Your Team’s Future

Enroll your key employees in this valuable program to invest in their growth and your company’s success. Limited spots are available — act soon to secure your place!


Session 1: Time Management

Thursday, October 10, 2024
Register by 10/3/24

As we navigate countless personal demands, make dozens of decisions and juggle numerous projects each day, it’s no wonder that anxiety, confusion and loss of control impair both personal and corporate productivity.

Our lives cry out for balance, and yet few can identify — let alone practice — the skills needed to maintain a sense of order and control.

In this session, you can begin to identify the personal effectiveness skills essential to today’s fast-paced environment. Whether you prefer to utilize digital tools or a paper-based process, the workshop will focus on applying key skills to result in immediate and dramatic improvements.


Session 2: Core Communications

Thursday, November 14, 2024
Register by 11/11/24

This session is best for those who want to build collaborative relationships and exemplify trust and respect, including new managers, supervisors and new hires who want to work confidently with others.

Whether you’re in a one-on-one meeting, negotiating with a vendor or speaking with a client, effective communication skills can help you handle any situation with confidence and finesse. Yet, the demands of a busy schedule often prevent us from dedicating a day to honing our communication skills, learning new techniques and practicing approaches to solve persistent problems.

This workshop will take participants from theory to practice with a solid combination of relevant content and opportunities for practice. Participants will explore the vast landscape of interpersonal communication best practices that can help them reach goals and secure a strong career path.


Session 3: Essentials of Leadership

Thursday, December 12, 2024
Register by 12/2/24

This session was designed specifically for newly promoted and frontline supervisors, to help strengthen their leadership abilities and improve communication and interaction with their teams.

Strong leaders are a hallmark of today’s most successful businesses. Resourceful, motivating and influential, these individuals are often born leaders who intuitively know what needs to be done and act on their instincts.

More often than not, however, supervisors are promoted from within the organization, with top candidates rewarded for their technical expertise and strong performance by upper management — not their leadership know-how. Due to increasingly complex demands in today’s business environment, such as doing more with less and ensuring 100% customer satisfaction and employee safety, formalized leadership training for newly promoted and frontline managers is simply not a priority.

So, how can you make sure your managers, supervisors and other business leaders receive the tools they need to succeed?

This program will prepare participants for a complete change of responsibilities and offer a plan for the challenges ahead. It will instill confidence in their role, while teaching them the expectations that come with leadership within a company. This session will teach and reinforce specific proven skills in a fast-paced, invigorating environment that will leave your supervisors wellprepared for the challenges awaiting them.


Session 4: Coaching and Counseling

Thursday, January 16, 2025
Register by 1/9/25

This intensive workshop provides a series of activities, interactive exercises, role plays and case studies. It will help develop the confidence and experience necessary to coach your entire team toward improved performance and productivity!

Managers perform a variety of tasks daily, from scheduling and attending meetings, to reviewing metrics and generating client reports. Customer satisfaction always comes first, so when a team member’s performance slips, providing critical feedback and coaching is often a reactive practice instead of proactively encouraging job performance improvement.

In today’s extremely competitive environment, successful managers recognize that all team members must perform at 100% to produce outstanding results. Whether you are working with a new employee or a seasoned veteran, there are always opportunities to coach and counsel employees to help sharpen their skills and boost their performance.


FREE for all four sessions

$35 per session
$125 for 4 sessions


8am - NOON, Breakfast provided at 7:30am


Register Here